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As always please check me out on Instagram- or on Twitter Download the app and listen to Los' Lounge every Saturday at 12pm-2pm. It felt like therapy and it was great to connect with people and also Host a Space where people can come in an express themselves. Many great discussions were had around mental health and music and the conversation lasted well over 2 1/2 hours. Big Shout out to 'Meg' who helped me navigate and co-host along with BBQdad.

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Thank you for your transparency, authenticity and for listening. I am in gratitude to everyone who showed up and spoke. I was in one hosted by Jessi (massive shout out) and I was inspired to do my own around these topics at hand Mental Health, expression, music and how it helps us. but lately I have been interested in Twitter Spaces which are forums hosted by people on topics such as Mental health awareness, Self Care, LGBTQ+ etc etc etc. I created my twitter to promote the show. Salute to all my Subscribers and a huge salute to Twitter as we all know it is a whole new world.

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